The research shows how each of the BRICS nations has met difficulties
as they have urbanised, especially when they have tried to resist the
predictable movement of people into their cities, or have inadvertently
steered people or enterprises
to economically or environmentally undesirable locations.
But they also provide examples of how to seize the opportunities that urbanisation can provide.
“The route a country takes to urbanisation will have a big impact on
economic growth, social equity and environmental sustainability,” says
Gordon McGranahan of the International Institute for Environment (IIED)
and Development, which
has published the research in partnership with UNPFA – the UN
Population Fund. “Less industrialised nations can learn a lot from the
BRICS experiences – both good and bad – and so steer their own
urbanisation onto a more secure path.”
In addition to the five reports on the way the BRICS nations
urbanised, IIED and UNFPA will publish a synthesis report and policy
brief on 5 December, and a more detailed book in 2013. The publications
will be the focus of a 5-6 December
meeting in Tshwane/Pretoria, South Africa.
·Brazil tried in vain to resist urbanisation. The
result is that social inequalities endure in what are very divided
cities, where the poorest communities are still poorly served despite
sustained economic growth. Today, rising urban land
prices prevent action to improve infrastructure and services. On the
plus side, are the social innovations that some of Brazil’s cities have
pioneered in recent decades.

India has not yet come to terms with its
urbanisation, and there are signs that, like Brazil, India is inhibiting
rather than planning for it. India’s ambivalence is a threat to its
economic success, particularly for poor people who find
it increasingly difficult to secure a place in India’s cities. But
India is at the earliest stage of its urban transition, and will
hopefully learn from the experiences of the other BRICS countries. In
particular, urban development could play a stronger role
in alleviating rural poverty if society accepted and promoted the
accommodation of migrants in successful urban areas.
· China’s story highlights the importance of taking
urbanisation seriously in development strategies. Its radical shift from
anti-urban policies to the aggressive pursuit of urban growth in
selected areas dramatically emphasizes that urbanization
can boost economic growth and reduce poverty. Yet planners must take
account of the environment and social equality too. On the social side,
China must address the limited rights of the third of urban dwellers who
do not have permanent residence permits for
the cities they live in.
South Africa’s racist policy of apartheid
suppressed urbanisation for the country’s black majority and forced them
to live at the periphery of large urban centres. The people there could
serve as a cheap labour force as the country industrialised
but could not enjoy the advantages that urban areas bring. More than 20
years after the end of apartheid, South Africa’s urban centres remain
unequal and fragmented, socially and economically. The country’s
prosperity depends on it adopting a more inclusive
and integrated approach to planning and managing urban development.

NB: This is a press release from the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED).
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